Thursday, October 28, 2010

Father and Son, Mother and Daughter, Mother and Son, Father and Daughter

I have experienced and seen the father/son and mother/son relationship very closely because my parents have three sons. My father/son experiences are different from my mother/son experiences. I think this is because of their differing personalities, not necessarily because of gender roles they think they have to fill. My dad has always been the more stern one. Though he generally doesn't want us to make mistakes, he tries to make sure we feel the consequences when we do. I remember when I was in elementary school, my dad would always tell me "if your not ready by 8:00 [am], I'll drive off with out you." There were multiple times when I wasn't ready, and many of those times he drove off with out me. He would come back, though, but it would be five to ten minutes later, and would drive me to school. Soon I understood that he didn't have that heart to actually leave me but he had been tempted to do so a few times; there have been other occasions, though, when my dad has left without someone when we are going somewhere. On the other hand, my mom, if put into the same situation, would never leave with out us. Though she knows we are late she will either get angry or keep that anger within her. She doesn't try to let her feelings interfere with the bigger goal, which is to reach a certain place as a family. My dad cares less about this aspect and would rather make his sons feel the consequences of being late in order to get his point across (or at least that's what he outwardly shows). My opinion is that each method is effective to a certain extent: sometimes I prefer my mom's softer way, but other times the only effective way is being stern like my dad.

My parents are not always like this, and to generalize them in this way would be a crime. I just think that this stark contrast shows the differing relationships I have with my mom and with my dad. There is no question that occasionally my dad can be as soft as a teddy bear and my mom a hard-nose.

I have tremendous amounts of respect for both my parents, though I respect them in different respects. My dad can be humble and always tells his boys, "I want you to be ten times bigger than me." I respect his knowledge and wisdom. I like to discuss politics and world issues with my dad just to see what his perspective is. I also admire his work ethic. Another one of his signature quotes is "there is no substitution for hard work." It is because of his hard work that he is where he is today. I am often inspried by him and his past.
I would go to my Mom if I had emotional distress. She is more sensitive toward others and more understanding. She is easy to talk to does not just give me generic advice. I don't know if it is her "motherly touch," but she has been there for me when I needed someone with whom to talk.

Each of my parents has shaped me in different ways, some being ways that I do not even consciously recognize. They are a large part of why I am what I am today. I know they are trying the best, and I thank them for that.

1 comment:

  1. Wow you write a lot. Cut down on the unnecessary redundantness but seriously, cool story bro.
