Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our Meaning

Our meaning in life can be reasoned many ways.
Is it to be happy or to be productive or to know God? Is it to be in communion with our fellow human beings? Or could it be something as simple and common to all animals as continuing the existence of our species? Do we have a specific (or even a general) purpose? These are some of the things I think about when I think if life has any true meaning.

I have always been interested with outer space because I believe it is filled with mystery and majesty. Sometimes I like to look at the night sky and see the thousands of scattered stars. The magnitude and awesomeness of the universe begins to sink into me and I try to see where I might fit into all of it. Essentially, I am a speck compared to the Earth, the Earth is a speck compared to the galaxy, and the galaxy is a speck compared the entire universe. What, then, is the significance of me, a speck of a speck of a speck? Would the world be different with out me?

I do not think that I am totally insignificant; this reflection, I would like to think, helps me to put some perspective as to how small I am relative to the rest of the world, putting me in my place so to speak.

As to the question if we are all important in the grand scheme of things: My belief is that even an individual can make a big difference. Sometimes he or she can make a difference in someone else’s life without even knowing it. Ideas are created with the interaction of individuals. Without individuals, there would not be countries or ideas. Though it may have been the country or idea that made an impact, everything had to originate from an individual. I would like to believe that famous people are the way they are because of other normal individuals who might have made a difference in their lives.

My American Literature teacher once said the people we remember in history are the ones who had original thoughts. I think I believe him. We remember people from centuries ago because they had a novel idea that changed the way things were. We usually don’t remember people who went with the flow of status-quo. I sometimes wonder if I want to be remembered in a hundred years or if I want to an “average” person. I am not sure if to be famous I need to make myself do something or if the circumstances will just naturally come to me.

1 comment:

  1. Who was your AmLit teacher? I think we remember the people who won and changed the world, and I guess that relates to new ideas. Nice job.
