Friday, October 8, 2010

God in 2010

What has God or the idea of God become of in the year 2010?
The concept of God has evolved over time. It is safe to say that many years ago, a lot (probably the majority) of the people believed in polytheism, and that these gods had control over a certain range of activities. Now the predominant belief is that there is only one God.

In the past, religion was an integral part of daily life. Now, in our more secularized West, religion has fallen in authority. I am not sure, though, that this means that God has also fallen in our society. I do not know if God is synonymous with religion; so to say that God plays a smaller role in our culture because the role of religion has diminshed is not a great argument. It is probably because our concept of God is changing from that which was in the past. Before, the concept was related to many gods and then to a single God. Before, God was only accessible through the religious, but now there is greater belief that God is equally accessible, even to the layperson and the poor. Before, natural forces like lightning and earthquakes were eqauted to God and his attitude toward humans. In the future there maybe another evolution to the concept of God will take place.

Are these evolutions showing us a clearer picture of what God might be? Maybe we are slowly hacking away what God is not, which helps us see what God truly is.

I think many people today get comfort from the idea of God, that there is someone who can look after them or understand them. In this strange and complicated world, it is hard to get the emotional and spiritual nourishment that people need, and God can be the nourishment they need. Also some people may feel comforted that God is protecting them. I have sometimes thought of a situation in which I have no control and am totally helpless. I imagine myself as a soldier in war. In this case, should I ask God to guide and protect me because I do not have any control over the situation? I am not sure if I should keep my trust in God at this point or whether I should trust in my [God-given?] abilities.

The nature of God is not always agreeable among people today. Is God a personal God with whom each and everyone of us can have a unique and intimate relationship? Does God actively involve "Himself" in the affairs of people on Earth or is God on the sidelines, just having been the role of a catalyst for creation?

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I think you very accurately covered many popular beliefs on God in 2010. I like how you, believing in God, incorporated evolution as a deeper way of understanding God's power instead of refuting it entirely. This was very well written and the issue fairly addressed.
