Thursday, March 31, 2011

We Have the Right

We have the right to think, to believe in what we find fit. Basically, we have the right to be humans and to be treated like humans. We have the right not to be stereotyped and generalized. We have the right to be free. We have the right to be treated with respect, unless of course we do something that compromises our respectability. It is a blessing that we live in a society that is relatively free. Individual expression is not as suppressed as it is in other countries in the world. However, in our society there is still at times a lack of transparency with our government, and sometimes information is withheld from the public. How can we make educated choices on who to vote for and how we stando on particular issues if we do not have all the information? Therefore, we should have the right to know what our government is doing, things that directly affect us. We should always be pushing for a fairer society and be pushing for our rights. Our Constitution alleges that all human beings are endowed with certain unalienable rights (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness). We should follow with this tradition of acknowledging everyone's right to live freely and to be treated as human beings.

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