Wednesday, February 23, 2011

X marks the spot

The world of Malcolm X is an astonishing place. I certainly have not known a similar place. I feel that his experiences are incredibly different from what I can experience or even imagine. His schooling, not knowing the history of African-Americans, his becoming an adult so quickly, all of it. I am glad that Malcolm X took the time to make an autobiography. I am always interested in why someone was the way he/she was. This autobiography really shows where Malcolm X is coming from. He shows how he, himself, was an ignorant part of the system, a doped up hustler, who barely slept and sometimes barely survived. Many times in the book, Malcolm X looks back at those people in Harlem who were just like him. He would say something like if they put the same effort into education as they did into hustling, and had been given some direction, they could have been successful doctors or lawyers or bankers or whatever.

At its time, I am sure that the book was a "novel" concept or at least had more of an impact than it does today. For example, in the history classes I have taken, I have seen parallels to the "white man is the devil" concept. It is no secret that Europeans have exploited people since they've begun interacting with other peoples. I have also been able to learn about the history of African slaves. Not knowing where he had come from, I don't think Malcolm X could have realized his true self. I believe that your history is something that makes up who you are because it tells you why you are where you are today. It explains so much about you that it would be hard to know yourself without it.

Album/Track review

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Know This Means Something

I would like to say that family means something to me. It is what I was raised from and what nourishes me today. When I have failed or fallen, family has been their to support me. My family has sincerely looked after my well-being. Family has been a big part of my life, and that is why I think it means something to me. But then again, when I say something means something to me, I mean that it will always be a part of me, of who I am. In that context, family may not be something that means something to me because I "couldn't not" see a possible future where family is not a part if who I am. I'm not saying if it is probable, but only that it is possible. But whatever the future holds, family will have formed how I will be, and that can never be taken away from who I am. So then it does mean something to me in that way. It just has always seemed that my family is the only one gives a damn about me, so I am glad for that. When I was first thinking about something that meant something to me, I thought about basketball because it has been my favorite activity and has been a way for me to escape from the real world and just play and be competitive. But when I thought about it, I concluded that it couldn't mean something to me because I felt I "couldn't not" see myself giving it up, and I felt that if something meant something to you, you couldn't give it up. And plus in the future I won't be as nimble as I am now and probably can't play basketball.

The Philosopher King of Chicago